terça-feira, 17 de abril de 2012

Your eyes

Your eyes are like two honey pots, because of so bright and so beautiful they are.
They are of the same color of honey.
They fascinate me, and delight me .
They are pure magic!

3 January 1990

Dear diary.
The time goes by and like always new loves come.
A new love arrived, but for this love I´m suffering because it last only a few days and these days are over.
Maybe I´ll never see Hugo, the boy that I used to like, anymore, so I won´t look back to the past. I´ll simply live my life.
This is the only way that I know what to do, and I know that I like Gustavo very much and I know he likes me and respects me.
And that is the reason why I´ll never forget him.

Our world

Our world is full of life, full of love and peace.
But also full of war, hate, disagreement, infamy and slander.
And it is like all the people say...
Nothing is perfect!

quinta-feira, 12 de abril de 2012

03 January 1990

I´m kind of confused, because on love matters I´m having luck and bad luck.
Luck because there are several boys that like me, and bad luck because I´m confused for several reasons.
One of the reasons is because I don´t know who I like the most, if it is Hugo, Igor or Otavio.
Hugo is everything I htought he would be, cute, nice, polite and jealous!
Igor is very funny, sympathetic, gorgeous and conqueror.
Otavio is polite, jealous, tough guy, he respects me, so cute, shy, smart and funny.
And those are not the only ones that like me, there is also Tiago, Italo, Leandro, Bruno, Alessandro, Wendell, Wagner, Marcelo and Eliano.
But none of them match with me.
I don´t even know if I like of any of them, or just they like me.
Most of them were my trusted friends, so i better stop writing so I won´t offend anyone.
But from all the tree, the one I guess I like the most is Hugo.
He was the one that touched my heart and made me open my eyes.

02 January 1990

I made this poetrys:

Amar o mundo,
E honrar seu pais
É viver sua vida
E faze-la feliz!

Se for para chorar, deixe que eu chore.
Se for para cantar , deixe que eu cante.
Se for para dançar, deixe que eu dance.
Mas se for para me amr, isso voce terá que faze-lo.

Dei a volta pelo mundo
Para poder lhe encontrar.
Não lhe achei um nenhuma parte,
Mas sei que um dia vou te amar.

The love

To love and to be loved are two very different things. Be loved is so much better and easier that to love someone.

03 May 1989

On the building I live there is nothing happening, so yesterday I went to the neighbor building.
I played a little and then I notice I was wearing skirt. I went home, put some shorts and went running back there.
It was about 9 pm when my father called me , but I convinced him to let me stay for some more 22 minutes and while that I kept playing. After that my friend Livia said something to me that made me upset. I said it to the boy and she started to show herself. Livia told me to punch the boy and I said I was not going to do that.